01268 274268
Fire Fighting, Electrical, Emergency Lighting, Health & Safety

Emergency Lighting

How confident are you that your emergency lighting would operate correctly in the event of a power failure?

The Regulatary Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that regular maintainence for emergency lighting is mandatory.

British Standards 5266 Part 1 recommends that all emergency lighting should be checked daily, monthly, six monthly, 3 yearly and subsequent annual tests.

An ICEL (the Industry Commitee for Emergency Lighting) report revealed that up to 90% of emergency lighting systems tested would not function correctly in the event of a mains failure.

The only way to ensure that your emergency lighting is in working order is to have it regularly maintained by a specialist company.

HES specialises in the maintenance of emergency lighting systems to meet BS 5266 part 1.

Our Full Qualified Engineers install, commission, test and maintain non-maintained and maintained Emergency Lighting Systems.

All our engineers are Electrically trained to the current BS 7671 requirements.

All installation, commissioning, testing and maintenance is carried out in accordance BS 5266 and appropriate certificates issed.

Call us today on 01268 274268, email us or use our information request form to arrange a free no obligation survey.